May 23, 2020
Leap of Faith
I have always been an entrepreneur at heart. I like to think that is my passion. Going out on a limb and starting something that I have full decision making control over and being in the driver seat is what fulfills me. And I realized early that I was not getting that in employment. Nevertheless I've taken a couple of jobs over the years to learn, you can only learn through experience
- How to start & grow a business,
- How to relate with stakeholders: employees, investors, creditors, debtors,
- How to manage cash e.t.c
Risk & Return
I have been doing various small scale businesses for the past 8 years, but I decided 2020 was going to be different.I risked it all. I started a full scale company with a premise, employees, a system and all that you can think of.
For big returns you have to take big risks.
The storm!
And in a twisted turn of fate, the year when I decided to risk everything, is the same year that we end up with a global epidemic which has made businesses crash all over the world.
Some would say employment is the most secure source of income and they will stay stuck in a job until they retire and avoid risking their money, but I disagree.
I have seen friends and family being forced to take unpaid leave and salary cuts during this period and even other periods. Even being declared redundant when you had taken up a mortgage knowing your salary will cover you.
Some would say employment is the most secure source of income and they will stay stuck in a job until they retire and avoid risking their money, but I disagree.
I have seen friends and family being forced to take unpaid leave and salary cuts during this period and even other periods. Even being declared redundant when you had taken up a mortgage knowing your salary will cover you.
With no clear end to this crisis in sight..Let's strive to see the silver lining in all this. We now have the free time to clear our minds and be creative on ways we can make money. And this ideas do not need to take up alot of cash investment. If you have a talent, that is all the cash investment you need, and if at all you still need that little cash investment to help row your boat of ideas into the open waters, we at Vinestalk are here to listen and help where we can.
One of the keys to a successful and happy life is to be flexible enough to respond appropriately to whatever change comes your way.
Unfortunately, most people are not equipped to handle the fast-breaking economic changes that have happened and continue to happen. However, most people are generally optimistic and have the ability to forget. After 10 to 12 years, they forget, and then things change again.
It's Now or Never!!
Stay Safe, Stay Creative!